Support UniVerse |
Yes, poetry can encourage spiritual refinement; spark intelligent, intuitive dialogues of compassion, mutual respect and peace; and help redress social injustice.
You can, too.
Your donation helps give all nations,
regardless of territory, a voice.
Please support UniVerse of Poetry.
UniVerse is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible.
UniVerse of Poetry
Attn: Rachel Webster
1501 Dewey St.
Evanston, IL 60201
UniVerse of Poetry is an online archive, interactive forum, and celebration of international poetry encouraging universal dialogue, compassion and
peace. UniVerse honors courageous, celebrated poets from every nation of the world,
regardless of territory, also including oral traditionalists, poets writing in endangered
languages and poets collaborating with music and film. "One Poem: The Next Generation"
will soon introduce international young people's poetry.
UniVerse of Free Expression
UniVerse of Poetry initiates an unprecedented opportunity for international poetsmany of whom are refugeesto be heard, read and studied. These poets often
transcend hardship, isolation, and exile to write the enduring human story.
UniVerse of Poetry is dedicated to freedom of expression for everyone everywhere
and the eternal dialogue of wisdom and prophetic sanity renewed daily by poets internationally.
UniVerse wishes to thank:
Universal Patrons
Universal Patrons ($250+)
Susan Aurinko, India, France
Bhodi Arts, India
Lucia Blinn, Italy
BP America's Fabric of America program, United States
Chicago Public Radio, multiple nations
Tiphaine Chigot, France
John Dangora, Tibet
Phil & Joan Dittmann, Lithuania, Poland
Patricia Erens, multiple nations
Cynthia Erskine, England
Adèle Fammerée, Belgium, France, Bhutan
Linda Feldman, Israel, Palestine
Flatfile Galleries, India
Laurie Glenn, France
Gail Hajjar, Bhutan
Irving Harris Foundation, multiple nations
Carrie Ingrisano & Nicolau Santos, Brazil
Tom & Mary Ellen Jackson, Norway
Bart Lazar, Israel, United States
Martin Mazzanti, Italy
Francine Nevers, Italy
Mike Puican, Peru
Ragamuffin Jewelry, Mexico
James Reiss, United States
Lois Remeikis, Bhutan
Deborah Rosen, Chile, Israel
Marsha Sabourin, Russia
Victor Sanders & Sarah Calamaro, Argentina
Dr. Marianne Schaffer, women poets of the Middle East
Diana Twyman, Saudi Arabia
Judith Valente & Charles Reynard, United States
James & Cynthia Webster, Ireland
Whole Foods Market, multiple nations
UniVerse is a not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization. Donations are tax-deductible.